R. David Zorc
Language Research Center & Dunwoody Publishing and Press
Hyattsville, Maryland

Tales from a reluctant linguist – The Bashiic/Batanic macrogroup and a life linguistic "well-blessed"
I have gone about the subgrouping of the Bashiic languages via much of what I did for Bisayan in my dissertation (1975, published 1977): subgrouping on the basis of lexicon (Swadesh 100 & a new Zorc 100), functors (100 grammatical items), and innovations. It seems quite clear to me now that:
There is a Bashiic macrogroup composed of Yami (3 lects), Itbayaten, Ivatan (2 lects), and Ibatan/Babuyan.
Yamic (Imorod, Iraralay, and Ivalino) is a subgroup that separated at least 800 years ago.
Itbayaten is the center of a complex that includes Ivatan and Ibatan (which I call the “Vasayic” subgroup)
“Batanic” consists of the two Ivatan lects (Ivasay and Isamorong) and Ibatan (Babuyan)
While there are well over 100 etyma that descend from PAN *baqÉ™Ruh ‘new’, *baRah 'ember', *batux ‘stone’, *bituqÉ™n ‘star’, *CaliÅ‹a ‘ear‘, *daNum ‘water’, *daRaq ‘blood’, etc.) this Bashiic group has made hundreds of independent innovations replacing otherwise widespread PAN, PMP, or PWMP etymologies (e.g., *amuÅ‹ ‘fish’ – PAN *Sikan, *aʔɣəp ‘night - PAN *RabiÊ”ih, PMP *bÉ™RÅ‹i, PWMP *malÉ™m, *bulÉ™k ‘belly’ - PAN *tiaN, *hikəɣ ‘sleep’ - PAN *qinÉ™p, PMP *tuduR ~ *tiduR, PPH *hÉ™lÉ™k , *hilak ‘white’ - PAN-F *puNi ‘whiteness’, PMP *putiq ‘white’, *tawur ‘heart’ – PMP *pusuq ~ *pusuÅ‹) It seems that some member of what I now call “the Y-Group” (it was called “the Northern Extension” in my dissertation, consisting of the Central Luzon languages, Ayta, Sambalic, Kapampangan, or Remontado, as well as North Mangyan, all of which show PAN *R > y) moved north and took over the original languages resident in the Bashi Channel, but leaving both a superstratum (new forms) and a substratum (old or original forms). This Bashiic group also shares a sufficiently convincing number of Proto-Philippine (*bulbul ‘body hair, feathers’, *ipus ‘tail’) and Proto-Northern-Philippine innovations (*Ê”unás ‘sugarcane’, *sabuÅ‹ ‘flower, blossom’) so that its membership within those superordinate groups is secure.