We offer different rates for Early Bird and Regular registrants as shown below. Also note that registration fees cover conference meals, the conference kit, e-certificates, and access to all sessions, including panels, plenaries, and workshops.
For those who are attending 16-ICAL and have registered, below are relevant documents which may serve as proof for conference travel permits from your respective institutions:​​​
Invite Letter (request via Google Forms)
For those who are yet to register, please follow the steps below. Registration links for Presenters and Non-Presenting Participants can be found at the bottom of the page.
Check the fees below according to your registration status as a regular or student participant with either local or overseas (non-Philippine) affiliation. Take note as well of the important registration dates:
- Presenters' registration deadline - 30 April 2024 [EXTENDED]
- Early bird registration deadline - 30 April 2024 [EXTENDED]
Non-presenter participants' deadline - 10 June 2024 [EXTENDED]

Early Bird Rate (extended until 30 April 2024)
Regular - ₱7000
Graduate - ₱6000
Undergraduate - ₱5000
Regular Rate (after 30 April 2024)
Regular - ₱8000
Graduate - ₱7000
Undergraduate - ₱6000
*Local Participants pertains to those whose current institutional affiliation, at the time of the conference, is within the Philippines, regardless of citizenship.

Early Bird Rate (extended until 30 April 2024)
Regular - USD 175
Students - USD 125
Regular Rate (after 30 April 2024)
Regular - USD 200
Students - USD 150
*Foreign Participants pertains to those whose current institutional affiliation, at the time of the conference, is outside the Philippines, regardless of citizenship.
Before filling out the registration form below, make sure that you have already paid the registration fee according to your participant type. You may pay by the following options:
Option 1: PayPal
Overseas participants are encouraged to pay via PayPal. It is highly advised to pay using a desktop browser, since PayPal encounters issues with mobile mode.
Early Bird Rate
Regular - USD 175

Early Bird Rate
Student - USD 125

Regular Rate
Regular - USD 200

Regular Rate
Student- USD 150

Option 2: Bank Deposit
Wire your payment to any Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) physical branches.
Bank Name: Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI)​
Account Name: Linguistic Society of the Philippines, Inc.
Account Number: 8351-0018-45
Option 3: Electronic Transfer
Digitally deposit/transfer your payment to the Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) via an online banking platform (e.g., website, app). This excludes GCash.
Account Name: Linguistic Society of the Philippines, Inc.
Account Number: 8351-0018-45
Option 4: GCash
Transfer your payment specifically via GCash (may be subject to a service fee).
On the main menu go to Transfer.
Select BPI / BPI Family Savings Bank under Partner Banks.​
Provide the required details:
Amount (refer to the table above)​
Account Name: LSP, INC
Account Number: 8351001845
Sent Receipt To: Your email (please include for personal documentation)
Double check the details before hitting Send Money.
After payment, you may register. Make sure to keep a record of your payment transaction (e.g. official receipt, email confirmation, screenshot with reference number and date/time).