Proposals are invited for individual papers, posters, and themed panel. Only abstracts are required for the submission, but a full paper will be requested by the Organizing Committee on 20 July 2024. Submissions must focus on Austronesian languages based on any of the following areas:​
and Description
and Revitalization
Discourse Analysis
and Stylistics
Sociolinguistics and
Linguistic Anthropology
Dialectology and
Areal Linguistics
Language Acquisition
and Education
Psycholinguistics and
Cognitive Linguistics
- Individual paper/poster abstract submission deadline - 31 January 2024 (extended)
Panel proposal submission deadline - 20 February 2024
Notification of reviews - 20 March 2024
Full paper submission - 20 July 2024
Click the button at the bottom of the page to submit an individual paper or poster abstract.
Individual Papers
Everyone is invited to submit a 300-word abstract for parallel sessions. Papers are given 20-minute presentations and 10-minute Q&A. Submissions are limited to one individual and one joint abstract per author.
Poster presentations are excellent venues for face-to-face discussions of research. They are effective in succinctly presenting findings. Submissions are limited to one individual and one joint abstract per author.
Themed Panel
Panels allow for extended discussion on a theme by putting together multiple presentations on the same area. Interested organizers are invited to submit a 300-word abstract for a 2-hour block.
Individual papers are formal presentations on any aspect of language or linguistics focusing on Austronesian languages.
These presentations may be delivered by either a single author or multiple authors. Each individual slot is given 30 minutes: 20 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for the Q&A.
Submissions are limited to one (1) individual and one (1) joint abstract per author. Abstracts should be:
In 12-point font size
Limited to two A4 (or US Letter) pages including data, figures, and references
Without authors’ names
Ongoing projects may be submitted as poster proposals. In addition, there will also be a student poster session which will allow students of Austronesian linguistics to present the results of their research or ongoing projects.
Paper and poster submissions should be submitted on or before 20 January 2024. For paper and poster proposals, click the button below to submit an abstract.
Panel presentations are designed to foster in-depth discussions on specific topics related to Austronesian linguistics.
Each panel presentation occupies a 120-minute block, ensuring comprehensive exploration and discussion of the topic. Panel organizers have the flexibility to determine the number of presenters (4-5) and the structure of the Q&A as long as there is enough time for discussions with the audience.
The recommended structure for panel presentations is:
​Introduction and backgrounder by the panel organizer: 5 minutes
4-5 presentations: either 15 minutes or 20 minutes each
Audience discussions: 20 minutes
Panel proposals must contain the following:
​The panel organizer must present an overview of the panel. This should include
​Panel Title (max of 15 words)
Panel description or overview (no more than 300 words).
Each presenter is required to provide the panel organizer with
​Session Title (max of 15 words)
Session Abstract (no more than 300 words).
The panel organizer is responsible for the following:
Submission which includes the title and abstract for the entire panel, along with the titles and abstracts of each individual presentation
Communicating with the individual presenters the Results of the submissions
Panel proposals should be submitted on or before January 20, 2024 with the abstract as an attachment to be emailed directly to​