The Linguistic Society of the Philippines (LSP) Executive Committee announces the CALL for NOMINATIONS for the 2024 election of board members. There will be five seats for election, for a three-year term, 2024-2027.
As approved in the 2015 LSP National Conference & General Meeting held at the University of Asia and the Pacific on April 11, 2015, nominees for LSP board should be:
an LSP member, at least a year prior to running for Board member;
engaged in the advancement of linguistics and language education as a science and a profession;
of good moral standing;
affiliated with a university/college or any institution engaged in linguistics and language education;
endorsed by the current LSP board; and
should have actively participated in LSP-initiated activities (e.g., membership in committees; attendance in conferences and lectures).
The nominating party (ies), a current LSP member, should fill out the nomination form: https://forms.gle/7jmU7dps6VsC4uKVA.
Deadline for nominations is March 25, 2024. All qualified nominees will be presented at the 2024 LSPIC, which will be held at Isabela Convention Center, City of Cauayan, Isabela on April 11-13, 2024.