The Linguistic Society of the Philippines is inviting nominations for two (2) Board Member seats for a three-year term for 2023-2026.
As approved in the 2015 LSP National Conference and General Meeting held at the University of Asia and the Pacific on April 11, 2015, nominees for LSP board should be:
An LSP member, at least, a year prior to running for Board member;
Engaged in the advancement of linguistics and language education as a science and a profession;
Of good moral standing;
Affiliated with a university/college or any institution engaged in linguistics and language education;
Endorsed by the current LSP board; and
Should have actively participated in LSP-initiated activities (e.g., membership in committees; attendance in conferences and lectures).
The nominating party(ies), a current LSP member, should fill out the nomination form:
Deadline for nominations is April 10th, 2023 (EXTENDED). All qualified nominees will be presented at the 2023 LSPIC, which will be held on April 27-29, 2023 at MSU-IIT in Iligan City.