Free Linguistics Conference in collaboration with Papaya Academy Inc. and Linguistic Society of the Philippines are delighted to offer a free course on Decolonising Pedagogy.
Current educational theories and practices are highly dependent on work done in a few western (colonial) contexts. As a result, these approaches do not lead to empowerment of our students (in colonized settings; see: The Myth of the Post-Colonial).
Decolonising Pedagogy is an approach to teaching/learning that helps us in decolonising our ways of knowing, doing and being.
In this course, participants will develop and implement projects in their contexts that address community needs.
The course will be led by Associate Professor Ahmar Mahboob and Mona Mamac from the Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney.
Registration and participation in the course is open to all: there are NO restrictions on age, education, gender, language, location, job, training etc.
Cost: $0 — While this course is free of cost, we appreciate donations to keep FLC going.
Schedule Sept 14: face-to-face workshop at Papaya Academy Inc. (Kasiglahan main road, San Jose, Rodrigues, Rizal, Philippines) Sept 15 to December 15: individual/group work January 4: face-to-face workshop and presentations (Kasiglahan main road, San Jose, Rodrigues, Rizal, Philippines)
Registration for this course will close on September 10, 2019
Please note that we have space for only 25 participants.
Participants will be selected based on their response to the open question: “What are some community needs/issues that I can help address through my teaching?” [To respond to this question, we recommend that you look through: 1. What is Subaltern Linguistics? / Ano ang subaltern linguistics? 2. Doing Subaltern Linguistics; you may respond in either English or Filipino].