Linguistic Society of the Philippines and MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology
The 5th International Conference of the Linguistic Society of the Philippines
April 27-29, 2023
Decentering, Decolonizing and Deconstructing
Languages in New Paradigms and Discourses
Central to our navigation of power relations, our negotiation of identities and our understanding of cultures is language. The trajectory of research involving these areas largely emanate from a language outlook.
However, prevalent analytical paradigms still approach the study of language from or in relation to a center—a perspective that has become increasingly untenable as discourses become more nuanced.
Evaluation of current language programs, for instance, point to implementation problems that stem from policies that overlook plurilingual and multi-ethnic contexts. At the risk of under-informing our language policies pertaining to education and rights protection, research practices continue to reinforce unchallenged assumptions and outdated models.
The Conference aims to provide a venue for the exchange of practices that decenter, decolonize and deconstruct language research, revealing methodologies that challenge how knowledge is elicited, framed, and disseminated.
LSPIC2023 invites us to reexamine our research practices involving language, in order to distill existing paradigms into—if not create— frameworks that are more responsive to our local and multilingual contexts.
Individual papers, panels and posters are welcome!
Submit abstracts here:
Important Dates
December 31, 2022 Deadline of Abstract Submission for Paper and Poster Presentations
January 15, 2023 Extended Deadline of Abstract Submission for Paper and Poster Presentations
February 15, 2023 Notice of Acceptance for Paper and Poster Presentations
February 15, 2023 Deadline of Abstract Submission for Themed Panel Presentations
March 15, 2023 Notice of Acceptance for Themed Panel Presentations
March 20, 2023 Confirmation of Presentations
March 15-March 31, 2023 Early bird registration
April 27-29, 2023 Conference Dates
Submission Guidelines
1. All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another conference or journal. The following categories are welcome:
Paper presentations (20-minute presentations)
Poster presentations
Themed Panel presentations (90-minute presentations)
2. Abstracts (of 260 words) must be submitted thru
3. Abstracts must contain the following information:
Full title of the paper
Five key words
Author/s name/s and affiliation
Bionote/s of the author/s
Digital file with this label format: SURNAME_PAPER TITLE
4. Only two submissions are allowed per author, provided that he/she is principal author in one, and a non-primary author in the other.
5. Papers must fall under any of the following sub-themes:
A. Philippine linguistics
1. Description of Philippine Languages
2. Multilingualism and Multiculturalism
B. Hyphenated Fields in Linguistics
1. Language and Culture
2. World Englishes and Philippine English
3. Discourse Analysis
4. Sociolinguistics
5. Psycholinguistics
6. Forensic Linguistics
7. Stylistics
C. English Language Teaching
1. Second/Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
2. Language Education and Teacher Development
3. Educational Technology and Language Learning
4. Reading, Writing, and Literacy
5. Language Testing and Assessment
D. Decolonizing Frameworks in Language Research
1. Indigenous communities and other vulnerable sectors
2. Memory and Peace
3. Philippine/Mindanao studies