The Linguistic Society of the Philippines is giving everyone an early Christmas gift today by specifically allocating a section in the website for requests. As part of its goals to provide quality service and support for its members, the Society accepts requests of the following nature:
PJL PASSWORD REQUEST: I'd like to receive the password for an issue of the Philippine Journal of Linguistics.
CERTIFICATION/DOCUMENT REQUEST: I'd like to request a document/certificate/receipt.
LSP MEM. CORRECTION/UPDATE: I'd like to make some corrections/updates regarding my membership info.
LSP MEM. VERIFICATION: I'm cannot find my info in the database.
PAYMENT DEADLINE EXTENSION: I'd like to request an extension for payment (membership, conference, etc.)
OTHERS: I have a special request not mentioned above.
Interested members may fill out the General Request Form (GRF) first. The Society also launched a new system, the Request Tracking System (RTS) in parallel to the aforementioned.